BESSEY Locations

The headquarter of the BESSEY Group is located near Stuttgart, in south west Germany. Since 1983, all administrative functions as well as sales, production, our laboratory, and the logistics operation for BESSEY Precision Steel have been consolidated on a 50,000 square metre site in Bietigheim-Bissingen.

In addition to tool production, the development, incoming goods departments, storage and dispatch facilities are located some 2 km north of the main works, in the former worsted spinning mill. After purchase, this plant, which has protected status, was completely renovated and fitted out to suit the demands of our production processes.

BESSEY Tools North America, based in Cambridge (ON), close to Toronto in Canada, is part of the BESSEY Group, and handles the whole North American market in its capacity as a sales and marketing business. BESSEY has a special product program for this purpose. If you are interested in this offer, but your company is not located in USA or Canada, please contact the BESSEY headquarter in Germany directly.


BESSEY Tool GmbH & Co. KG

Mühlwiesenstraße 40
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen

+49 7142-401-0


BESSEY Tools North America

Bishop Street, Unit 6 1555
N1R 7J4 Cambridge

+1 800 828-1004